Helen Fox Angell letters to Bess Peebles Fox, October-December 1943
1943-12-16 Page 1
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Dec. 16, 1943 Thursday Dear Mother, I forgot to say that if you send the things I asked for, they'd better come parcel post rather than express. I'm enclosing a little money to help on postage. This afternoon I went to see the movie "Cross of Lorraine" which was quite good. I have seen only two or three in the time I've been here, as I have so much else to do. I got an extra ration stamp for shoes and will get them tomorrow. It worried me because I had to have one black pair half soled & I was afraid my supply wouldn't last. I have just a few other things to get and very little more packing to do. I'm sure the extra
Dec. 16, 1943 Thursday Dear Mother, I forgot to say that if you send the things I asked for, they'd better come parcel post rather than express. I'm enclosing a little money to help on postage. This afternoon I went to see the movie "Cross of Lorraine" which was quite good. I have seen only two or three in the time I've been here, as I have so much else to do. I got an extra ration stamp for shoes and will get them tomorrow. It worried me because I had to have one black pair half soled & I was afraid my supply wouldn't last. I have just a few other things to get and very little more packing to do. I'm sure the extra
World War II Diaries and Letters