Helen Fox Angell letters to Bess Peebles Fox, October-December 1943
1943-12-30 Page 4
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4 like me. I suppose it is a good thing that the Schramms decided against the Harshbarger house. Maybe better for you too. The kids might be a nuisance. You made a grand haul Christmas, I think. The things sound varied and most useful. Yes, I'll let you know about the Iowas if they show up. Did you get my letter with the list? You are still getting the mystery books from the club, aren't you? I'll try to send enough for that and of course as soon as I leave there will be lots more. Now for a quick summary of events. I was to go out to Julia's for dinner today but she phoned yesterday that it was so cold they hadn't gotten out to get provisions. So I'm to go tomorrow. I have a box of bonbons for them & will take the kodak to get some pictures. When the film is finished I'll put it in the suitcase. Two girls came into the other room yesterday. They are Helen Dike of New York & Frances Erlinger of Burlington, Iowa (Both went to the Pacific). Tonight a friend of theirs Juliette Lippe of New came in with me. I am spoiled for having a roommate, but think I won't mind her. They all three were in Basic Recreation No 9. They say No 12 is the last class they are to have, as most of the staff are on their way for foreign assignments. I think I got in just in time, as it looks as though they thought they were just about fully staffed, doesn't it? Love, Helen
4 like me. I suppose it is a good thing that the Schramms decided against the Harshbarger house. Maybe better for you too. The kids might be a nuisance. You made a grand haul Christmas, I think. The things sound varied and most useful. Yes, I'll let you know about the Iowas if they show up. Did you get my letter with the list? You are still getting the mystery books from the club, aren't you? I'll try to send enough for that and of course as soon as I leave there will be lots more. Now for a quick summary of events. I was to go out to Julia's for dinner today but she phoned yesterday that it was so cold they hadn't gotten out to get provisions. So I'm to go tomorrow. I have a box of bonbons for them & will take the kodak to get some pictures. When the film is finished I'll put it in the suitcase. Two girls came into the other room yesterday. They are Helen Dike of New York & Frances Erlinger of Burlington, Iowa (Both went to the Pacific). Tonight a friend of theirs Juliette Lippe of New came in with me. I am spoiled for having a roommate, but think I won't mind her. They all three were in Basic Recreation No 9. They say No 12 is the last class they are to have, as most of the staff are on their way for foreign assignments. I think I got in just in time, as it looks as though they thought they were just about fully staffed, doesn't it? Love, Helen
World War II Diaries and Letters