David R. Elder correspondence, December 1944-January 1945
1944-12-07 Pfc. Eddie Prebyl to Dave Elder
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France Dec. 7, 1944 Dear Dave, I have been receiving the Scuttlebutt quit regularly and have been sure enjoying each issue. I haven't been receiving them recently. But no doubt the delay in our mail is due too the x-mas packages. I guess that's a good excuse for our mail. But I sure wish I'd start getting one of them. Everything is going just fine over here. The weather is making thins a lot tougher and harder going. But as you can tell by the papers and radio everything is rolling ahead just we all want it too. I'm feeling just fine. Incidently I'm also ready for that boat ride back home along with the many other fellows that are over here. But I guess this big job has too be finished first. So heres hoping that boatride is comming soon. We are plenty busy over here. But I guess that is too be expected. I picked up a German banner or flag. I don't know exactly which you would call it. It's sure a big thing. If you have time drop down to the house and take a look at it. That is if you would like to see it. I sent it home the first of this month so its just starting on its trip toward home. So no doubt it will take quit sometime before it arrives. The high school football team sure did alight for themselves this year. I think its about the best record for the high school quit a few years. I sure hope they can carry there winning on into basketball. It would really be swell if they could take the conference title in basketball. Well Dave this isn't much of a letter for this time. But I'm going to have to close for this time. I'll try and write you a better letter when I get a little more time. Ok. So long and good luck. A friend, Eddie [Pfc. Edward J. Prebyl, Jr.]
France Dec. 7, 1944 Dear Dave, I have been receiving the Scuttlebutt quit regularly and have been sure enjoying each issue. I haven't been receiving them recently. But no doubt the delay in our mail is due too the x-mas packages. I guess that's a good excuse for our mail. But I sure wish I'd start getting one of them. Everything is going just fine over here. The weather is making thins a lot tougher and harder going. But as you can tell by the papers and radio everything is rolling ahead just we all want it too. I'm feeling just fine. Incidently I'm also ready for that boat ride back home along with the many other fellows that are over here. But I guess this big job has too be finished first. So heres hoping that boatride is comming soon. We are plenty busy over here. But I guess that is too be expected. I picked up a German banner or flag. I don't know exactly which you would call it. It's sure a big thing. If you have time drop down to the house and take a look at it. That is if you would like to see it. I sent it home the first of this month so its just starting on its trip toward home. So no doubt it will take quit sometime before it arrives. The high school football team sure did alight for themselves this year. I think its about the best record for the high school quit a few years. I sure hope they can carry there winning on into basketball. It would really be swell if they could take the conference title in basketball. Well Dave this isn't much of a letter for this time. But I'm going to have to close for this time. I'll try and write you a better letter when I get a little more time. Ok. So long and good luck. A friend, Eddie [Pfc. Edward J. Prebyl, Jr.]
World War II Diaries and Letters