David R. Elder correspondence, December 1944-January 1945
1944-12-10 Sgt. J. Casey to Dave Elder
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Scuttlebutt To Dave Elder Washington, Iowa Sgt. J. Casey 20743907 Co. F. 19 Cov. Keen. Sqdn APO 17346% Postmaster New York, N.Y. Somewhere in England Dec, 10, 1944. Dear Dave: Thanks a lot for Scuttlebutt I have been receiving it regular and enjoy it immensely. We have conquered this driving on the left side of the road with our tin cans but the English money still remains a problem. I sure would like to meet some of the guys in the old Guard outfit. I am going to London this week and look around the city. It is just four years ago we left the best city in the World. It has rained here every day since Noah embarked on his ark. If any of you fellows hit London possibly we can make arrangements. Give my regards to Sharon and the Gang. Casey.
Scuttlebutt To Dave Elder Washington, Iowa Sgt. J. Casey 20743907 Co. F. 19 Cov. Keen. Sqdn APO 17346% Postmaster New York, N.Y. Somewhere in England Dec, 10, 1944. Dear Dave: Thanks a lot for Scuttlebutt I have been receiving it regular and enjoy it immensely. We have conquered this driving on the left side of the road with our tin cans but the English money still remains a problem. I sure would like to meet some of the guys in the old Guard outfit. I am going to London this week and look around the city. It is just four years ago we left the best city in the World. It has rained here every day since Noah embarked on his ark. If any of you fellows hit London possibly we can make arrangements. Give my regards to Sharon and the Gang. Casey.
World War II Diaries and Letters