David R. Elder correspondence, December 1944-January 1945
1944-12-11 Kenneth Davison to Dave Elder
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Dec. 11, 44 Dear Sir: Have been receiving Scuttlebutt regular and I enjoy it very much. I don't know a lot of the boys from around Washington that are in the service as I was born and raised down by Wayland but I enjoy reading about them anyway. I am stationed ashore in New Orleans now so will you please change my address. Your Truly Kenneth Davison Kenneth Davison S 1/c U.S. Navy Garage 700 St. Charles St. New Orleans, La.
Dec. 11, 44 Dear Sir: Have been receiving Scuttlebutt regular and I enjoy it very much. I don't know a lot of the boys from around Washington that are in the service as I was born and raised down by Wayland but I enjoy reading about them anyway. I am stationed ashore in New Orleans now so will you please change my address. Your Truly Kenneth Davison Kenneth Davison S 1/c U.S. Navy Garage 700 St. Charles St. New Orleans, La.
World War II Diaries and Letters