David R. Elder correspondence, December 1944-January 1945
1945-01-09 Clare Haifly to Dave Elder
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Detachment of Patients 4209 Hospital Plant A.P.O. 587 c/o Postmaster New York, New York Jan. 9, 1945 Dear Dave, I took sick the 21st of November. After shifting about I ended up in Blody Old England. I was operated on the fourth of January and I am getting along fine. Since I have written to you I have been made a T/5. The extra money will come in handy when I get back. J. Bidwell's address is "1st Sgt. 125 Cav. Sq. (Mecz) you know the A.P.O. This is Saterday the 13th now. I have felt worse since I started this letter. My side feels like it has a knot about the size of your fist in it. I also have a cold, whitch isn't helping any. The weather is chilly and rainny now. It has been cold and the ground covered with snow. Always, Clarence [T/5 Clarence E. Haifley]
Detachment of Patients 4209 Hospital Plant A.P.O. 587 c/o Postmaster New York, New York Jan. 9, 1945 Dear Dave, I took sick the 21st of November. After shifting about I ended up in Blody Old England. I was operated on the fourth of January and I am getting along fine. Since I have written to you I have been made a T/5. The extra money will come in handy when I get back. J. Bidwell's address is "1st Sgt. 125 Cav. Sq. (Mecz) you know the A.P.O. This is Saterday the 13th now. I have felt worse since I started this letter. My side feels like it has a knot about the size of your fist in it. I also have a cold, whitch isn't helping any. The weather is chilly and rainny now. It has been cold and the ground covered with snow. Always, Clarence [T/5 Clarence E. Haifley]
World War II Diaries and Letters