David R. Elder correspondence, December 1944-January 1945
1945-01-17 Lt. Tobert Thomas to Dave Elder
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January 17, 1945 England Dear Dave, Well its been quit some time since I last wrote to you so here goes a few lines. Everything over here seems to be in pretty good shape, not much news to write about just the same old routine of flying, eating and sleeping. I got drip no. 38 today was sure glad to get it as am always eager to get news from the old home town. I got a letter from Milo [Sorden?] awhile back but he hesitated to say anything about his chickens, wouldn't doubt that the present meat shortage back there kinda tempts him into reducing his present stock of fowls. I was glad to hear Floyd Scott was a flight leader no doubt he has flown fighter cover for us on some of our hauls into Germany. Those boys are sure a welcome sight when your deep in enemy territory. I have completed the biggest share of my missions now so am just flying as group leader and squadron leader so things will go a little slower now. Got my promotion to 1st Lt. awhile back so that helps also. Well Dave I better sign off for today as its about chow time, keep the old Scuttlebutt coming this way as its a great little paper. Will write later on when there is some news. So long. As Ever Gene Thomas [Lt. Robert E. Thomas]
January 17, 1945 England Dear Dave, Well its been quit some time since I last wrote to you so here goes a few lines. Everything over here seems to be in pretty good shape, not much news to write about just the same old routine of flying, eating and sleeping. I got drip no. 38 today was sure glad to get it as am always eager to get news from the old home town. I got a letter from Milo [Sorden?] awhile back but he hesitated to say anything about his chickens, wouldn't doubt that the present meat shortage back there kinda tempts him into reducing his present stock of fowls. I was glad to hear Floyd Scott was a flight leader no doubt he has flown fighter cover for us on some of our hauls into Germany. Those boys are sure a welcome sight when your deep in enemy territory. I have completed the biggest share of my missions now so am just flying as group leader and squadron leader so things will go a little slower now. Got my promotion to 1st Lt. awhile back so that helps also. Well Dave I better sign off for today as its about chow time, keep the old Scuttlebutt coming this way as its a great little paper. Will write later on when there is some news. So long. As Ever Gene Thomas [Lt. Robert E. Thomas]
World War II Diaries and Letters