David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-04-03 Pfc. Roger Banks to Dave Elder Page 1
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April 3, 1945 (Somewhere in Germany) Dear Dave, I have received your latest drip. I think it was the 51st or 2nd. Sure is nice to read about the different fellows and where they are, and what they do. I am now in Germany as you see by the date above. You know, Dave, Germany is really a beautiful country. It reminds me of the US in respect to its modernistic art and homes which are very modern. I've been in two very modern homes recently. Don't think these German people aren't practical, too. I noticed Bob Clark said Paris was a fine place. Well, if I had to live in one of two places, (France and Germany) I'd live in Germany. But, like Clark said, I'll take Iowa any old time. There's nothin' compared to it. I guess the Infantry has been getting quite a bit of praise from the Air Corps, lately. Boy, don't think we Infantry fellows don't like the Air
April 3, 1945 (Somewhere in Germany) Dear Dave, I have received your latest drip. I think it was the 51st or 2nd. Sure is nice to read about the different fellows and where they are, and what they do. I am now in Germany as you see by the date above. You know, Dave, Germany is really a beautiful country. It reminds me of the US in respect to its modernistic art and homes which are very modern. I've been in two very modern homes recently. Don't think these German people aren't practical, too. I noticed Bob Clark said Paris was a fine place. Well, if I had to live in one of two places, (France and Germany) I'd live in Germany. But, like Clark said, I'll take Iowa any old time. There's nothin' compared to it. I guess the Infantry has been getting quite a bit of praise from the Air Corps, lately. Boy, don't think we Infantry fellows don't like the Air
World War II Diaries and Letters