David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-04-03 Cpl. Jack D. Longer to Dave Elder Page 2
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I don't know if you got my letters wrote or didn't I write any letter I can remember over night any move, some reason or other. All this seem like a dream to me I don't know what the rest think but I havn't woke up yet. The boys are lucky they are out but that don't change my oppenuion of them any the ones my age that are haveing a good time while I catch holly hell here and wonder when and how close I will get out of this. After I come back I will be ready to start a fight in hometown. Best of luck From the bigger and better Inf. Loving trooper JD [Cpl. Jack D. Longer]
I don't know if you got my letters wrote or didn't I write any letter I can remember over night any move, some reason or other. All this seem like a dream to me I don't know what the rest think but I havn't woke up yet. The boys are lucky they are out but that don't change my oppenuion of them any the ones my age that are haveing a good time while I catch holly hell here and wonder when and how close I will get out of this. After I come back I will be ready to start a fight in hometown. Best of luck From the bigger and better Inf. Loving trooper JD [Cpl. Jack D. Longer]
World War II Diaries and Letters