David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-04-03 John A. McGaffery to Dave Elder Page 1
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U. S. Navy Amphibious Training Base Fort Pierce, Florida 4-3-45 Dear Dave! I received another dripe today & I was really galde to get it. I really look forward in getting them. I only wish I could be there to help fold them. I really enjoyed helping out that afternoon. I'm still teaching here, but I don't know for how long. We are all through with the attack boats. We are teaching the Beach Batalion, Salvage, Scouts and raiders and ships company. From here, I'll probably go aboard ship on to an advanced base as an instructor. Between the two I'd lot rather have the ship. Things are still the same here in Fla. The weather is getting to be real warm. It really gets hot here in the summer time.
U. S. Navy Amphibious Training Base Fort Pierce, Florida 4-3-45 Dear Dave! I received another dripe today & I was really galde to get it. I really look forward in getting them. I only wish I could be there to help fold them. I really enjoyed helping out that afternoon. I'm still teaching here, but I don't know for how long. We are all through with the attack boats. We are teaching the Beach Batalion, Salvage, Scouts and raiders and ships company. From here, I'll probably go aboard ship on to an advanced base as an instructor. Between the two I'd lot rather have the ship. Things are still the same here in Fla. The weather is getting to be real warm. It really gets hot here in the summer time.
World War II Diaries and Letters