David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-04-03 Bob Shields to Dave Elder Page 1
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St Albans L. I., NY April 3, 1945 Dear Dave - Just rec'd your latest "Scuttlebutt" of 3-30 Many thanks. Would like to have an extra half-dozen copies of this issue (53rd drip) just so that some of my friends, that won't get to see it, will know it's possible to have black hair & a red moustache. If you can locate
St Albans L. I., NY April 3, 1945 Dear Dave - Just rec'd your latest "Scuttlebutt" of 3-30 Many thanks. Would like to have an extra half-dozen copies of this issue (53rd drip) just so that some of my friends, that won't get to see it, will know it's possible to have black hair & a red moustache. If you can locate
World War II Diaries and Letters