David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-04-06 S/Sgt. W.J. Gibson to Dave Elder Page 2
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seen by the side of the road it looks like Germany's Army is no longer motorized. The Washington County rendering workstore could do a rushing business and most of the time they wouldn't have to drive off the road. Well Dave, all for now, thank all the ladies that help you "fold & stuff" and all those who contribute towards the postage. Very truly yours, Jack [S/Sgt. W. J. Gibson]
seen by the side of the road it looks like Germany's Army is no longer motorized. The Washington County rendering workstore could do a rushing business and most of the time they wouldn't have to drive off the road. Well Dave, all for now, thank all the ladies that help you "fold & stuff" and all those who contribute towards the postage. Very truly yours, Jack [S/Sgt. W. J. Gibson]
World War II Diaries and Letters