David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-04-06 Pfc. Herbert Thompson to Dave Elder
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April 6, 1945 England Dear Dave, I received your copy of the Scuttlebutt. It sure was nice to get something like that even more so while in the hospital. It is nice to get news from home and about other boys. When some of the boys say they would like to trade everything over here for a few days in Washington I can agree with them. I want to thank L. E. Sorden for making it possible for me to get it. I am doing fine and hope to be on my way home before long. I will sign off for now and hope it is all over soon so all the boys can come home. Your trully, Pfc. Herbert M. Thompson
April 6, 1945 England Dear Dave, I received your copy of the Scuttlebutt. It sure was nice to get something like that even more so while in the hospital. It is nice to get news from home and about other boys. When some of the boys say they would like to trade everything over here for a few days in Washington I can agree with them. I want to thank L. E. Sorden for making it possible for me to get it. I am doing fine and hope to be on my way home before long. I will sign off for now and hope it is all over soon so all the boys can come home. Your trully, Pfc. Herbert M. Thompson
World War II Diaries and Letters