David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-04-08 Milo F. Ralston to Dave Elder
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Sunday night. April 8, 1945 Dear Dave, Just a few line to let you know I have a new address and have been receiving the Scuttlebutt regularly and I really have enjoyed it alot. It keeps me posted on everyone where abouts. I think it is a wonderful thing that you can put out a thing of that sort because I know the fellow over seas enjoy twice as much as I do and I look forward to it every week. Things here are just about the Same. Most of us have solved the AT-6. It is a real airplane and I enjoy fly it very much. Before I forget it my new address is as follows. A/C Milo F Ralston - 17151953 Box 232 Class 45-E M.A.A.F. Merced, Calif. Well Dave, this about all I have time. Keep sending the paper and tell all the force hello for me. Yours, Frances
Sunday night. April 8, 1945 Dear Dave, Just a few line to let you know I have a new address and have been receiving the Scuttlebutt regularly and I really have enjoyed it alot. It keeps me posted on everyone where abouts. I think it is a wonderful thing that you can put out a thing of that sort because I know the fellow over seas enjoy twice as much as I do and I look forward to it every week. Things here are just about the Same. Most of us have solved the AT-6. It is a real airplane and I enjoy fly it very much. Before I forget it my new address is as follows. A/C Milo F Ralston - 17151953 Box 232 Class 45-E M.A.A.F. Merced, Calif. Well Dave, this about all I have time. Keep sending the paper and tell all the force hello for me. Yours, Frances
World War II Diaries and Letters