David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-04-13 Cpl. Donald P. Smith to Dave Elder
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To: Mr. Dave Elder Evening Journal Washington Iowa From: Cpl. Donald P. Smith 56th Air Division Sq. APO 149 c/o P.M. NYC Germany, 13 April 1945 Hello Folks: Here comes the first letter from Germany. I really traveled fast from England. Two days in France and finally here now. I didn't even get a chance to see Paris. But I did visit Nancy one afternoon. I hope to see Paris sometimes in the near future though. Well these two countries remind one more of home than England did. We have had nice weather the past few days although it is raining today. We are sleeping in German built barracks and the food is fine, although we have nowhere to go. We still are getting along O.K. Received the 50th Drip Yesterday. Best Wishes to all, Cpl. Donald P. Smith
To: Mr. Dave Elder Evening Journal Washington Iowa From: Cpl. Donald P. Smith 56th Air Division Sq. APO 149 c/o P.M. NYC Germany, 13 April 1945 Hello Folks: Here comes the first letter from Germany. I really traveled fast from England. Two days in France and finally here now. I didn't even get a chance to see Paris. But I did visit Nancy one afternoon. I hope to see Paris sometimes in the near future though. Well these two countries remind one more of home than England did. We have had nice weather the past few days although it is raining today. We are sleeping in German built barracks and the food is fine, although we have nowhere to go. We still are getting along O.K. Received the 50th Drip Yesterday. Best Wishes to all, Cpl. Donald P. Smith
World War II Diaries and Letters