David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-04-16 Nell Andersen to Dave Elder Page 2
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I (like so many others) used to think of the day I could leave Washington, and see other places of interest, but if I could be back there now, you'd never hear me say such a thing again. I would like very much to see the play the Y's Men's Club is putting on. I remember the one that Mr. Squires was in. But, you, a Chinaman, of all things! But, I guess you're lucky they didn't ask you to play the part of a Jap. I'm afraid your career as a newspaperman would be short lived. St. Louis had a beautiful memorial ceremony, in memory of Franklin Roosevelt. People, here, seemed to take it quite hard. They held it, in front of the "Soldiers Memorial" building. Although it was raining hard, hundreds of people were there, including every branch of the service. It was very impressive, and made one realize what a great friend we had lost. I must stop now and get ready for another day. Thanks so much again for sending me the 55th drip of the "Scuttlebutt": It means alot to me. Sincerely, Nell Andersen, C.R.N.
I (like so many others) used to think of the day I could leave Washington, and see other places of interest, but if I could be back there now, you'd never hear me say such a thing again. I would like very much to see the play the Y's Men's Club is putting on. I remember the one that Mr. Squires was in. But, you, a Chinaman, of all things! But, I guess you're lucky they didn't ask you to play the part of a Jap. I'm afraid your career as a newspaperman would be short lived. St. Louis had a beautiful memorial ceremony, in memory of Franklin Roosevelt. People, here, seemed to take it quite hard. They held it, in front of the "Soldiers Memorial" building. Although it was raining hard, hundreds of people were there, including every branch of the service. It was very impressive, and made one realize what a great friend we had lost. I must stop now and get ready for another day. Thanks so much again for sending me the 55th drip of the "Scuttlebutt": It means alot to me. Sincerely, Nell Andersen, C.R.N.
World War II Diaries and Letters