David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-04-16 Cpl. Jack Thompson to Dave Elder Page 2
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2 Here some of the DEP money and maybe you can buy somethings with at least try if you want. When I get back instead of hitting the traverns I think I will hit the dairys for I even forgot what ice cream and milk looks or tast like My best bet will be to take a bath in milk. The women better learn to be good cooks for most of the boys over here have gotten so They can cook and eat it so that some improvement. I know what kind of job it is to get all those letters out every week but I sure enjoy getting them. I use to put out the yearly report at the YB. You can see I am right at home when the Gold metel is on. Congrandation on winning the tournament. Loving Tooper J.D
2 Here some of the DEP money and maybe you can buy somethings with at least try if you want. When I get back instead of hitting the traverns I think I will hit the dairys for I even forgot what ice cream and milk looks or tast like My best bet will be to take a bath in milk. The women better learn to be good cooks for most of the boys over here have gotten so They can cook and eat it so that some improvement. I know what kind of job it is to get all those letters out every week but I sure enjoy getting them. I use to put out the yearly report at the YB. You can see I am right at home when the Gold metel is on. Congrandation on winning the tournament. Loving Tooper J.D
World War II Diaries and Letters