David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-04-22 Sgt. Gene Crossett to Dave Elder Page 1
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22 April 45 Hello Dave-- Here's just a few lines to let you know that I am receiving the Scuttlebutt regularly and enjoying it. Its realy good to hear from the boys at home and know where they are. As yet I haven't run across any of the home boys since I left Blanding. I am in what they call Sunny, Italy. I haven't been to the front yet so cant say much about combat. The mountain scenery here is beautiful but I'll be much happier when I can say that I saw them once. If you know what I mean.
22 April 45 Hello Dave-- Here's just a few lines to let you know that I am receiving the Scuttlebutt regularly and enjoying it. Its realy good to hear from the boys at home and know where they are. As yet I haven't run across any of the home boys since I left Blanding. I am in what they call Sunny, Italy. I haven't been to the front yet so cant say much about combat. The mountain scenery here is beautiful but I'll be much happier when I can say that I saw them once. If you know what I mean.
World War II Diaries and Letters