David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-04-23 Pvt. Dick M. Marshall to Dave Elder Page 1
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April 23? 1945 Pvt. Richard M. Marshall 37649638 Co. O 2nd Regt. A G F Replacement Depot No. 2 Fort Ord, California Dear Dave, Well I'm still at Ford Ord, Dave. I hope it won't be for much longer. I guess I'm a little anxious to get over there and let some other G.I. come home for a well deserved furlough. God only knows, there are a lot of them that deserve that furlough. For an army camp, well a person couldn't ask for a prettier one. It's located beside the dear old Pacific shores. They really have some beautiful trees and flowers here and some nice green grass, something Camp Hood didn't have. Dave, I was rather amused by the letter Hal Longer wrote that you published in the 55th drip. Hal seemed to think that their Air Corps basic was harder than the infantry basic. Well Dave, as much as I pride our good old American Air Force I have to disagree with Hal on that. Along with Major Matt Redlinger, I'll have to trudge along with those wind, rain, mud, and snow boys. It is a known fact now that the infantry basic is the toughest basic of any organization in the service of America. Anyone that knows anything about warfare at all can realize why it would have to be the toughest. I know the Air Corps takes a hell of a beating overseas but nothing such as the infantry takes or Marines take. They may bomb a city for a hundred years but you know
April 23? 1945 Pvt. Richard M. Marshall 37649638 Co. O 2nd Regt. A G F Replacement Depot No. 2 Fort Ord, California Dear Dave, Well I'm still at Ford Ord, Dave. I hope it won't be for much longer. I guess I'm a little anxious to get over there and let some other G.I. come home for a well deserved furlough. God only knows, there are a lot of them that deserve that furlough. For an army camp, well a person couldn't ask for a prettier one. It's located beside the dear old Pacific shores. They really have some beautiful trees and flowers here and some nice green grass, something Camp Hood didn't have. Dave, I was rather amused by the letter Hal Longer wrote that you published in the 55th drip. Hal seemed to think that their Air Corps basic was harder than the infantry basic. Well Dave, as much as I pride our good old American Air Force I have to disagree with Hal on that. Along with Major Matt Redlinger, I'll have to trudge along with those wind, rain, mud, and snow boys. It is a known fact now that the infantry basic is the toughest basic of any organization in the service of America. Anyone that knows anything about warfare at all can realize why it would have to be the toughest. I know the Air Corps takes a hell of a beating overseas but nothing such as the infantry takes or Marines take. They may bomb a city for a hundred years but you know
World War II Diaries and Letters