David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-04-23 Pvt. Dick M. Marshall to Dave Elder Page 3
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They have not only lived with these men but they have also died with these men. They are the ones that know what war is like. It used to be that everyone that enlisted into the armed forces joined the Air Corps or the Navy to keep out of the infantry. now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that these men wouldn't do what the infantry is doing if they were in this branch of service, but what I meant was that someone had to be in the infantry. As far as taking life easy in the service there are other branches I'd rather be in than the Infantry, but Dave I'm a member of the Infantry and believe me I'm mighty damn proud of it. I guess that is the reason I'm writing this letter, I don't like to see the Infantry or its training underrated. I'm not trying to underrate the Air Corp Dave, they have done a wonderful in this war and I'm mighty proud of them just as I am of every branch of service of America. I've got a brother in the Air Corps overseas he has done a swell job just as all of the others have done and I'm proud of him and all of my buddies that have fought and died in the Air Corps. I guess because the Infantry does such dirty work and gets the least glory I don't like to hear them run down. As has been proved, it takes all types of branches of service to win a war but Dave I still think that there is no other branch of service than the Infantry to
They have not only lived with these men but they have also died with these men. They are the ones that know what war is like. It used to be that everyone that enlisted into the armed forces joined the Air Corps or the Navy to keep out of the infantry. now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that these men wouldn't do what the infantry is doing if they were in this branch of service, but what I meant was that someone had to be in the infantry. As far as taking life easy in the service there are other branches I'd rather be in than the Infantry, but Dave I'm a member of the Infantry and believe me I'm mighty damn proud of it. I guess that is the reason I'm writing this letter, I don't like to see the Infantry or its training underrated. I'm not trying to underrate the Air Corp Dave, they have done a wonderful in this war and I'm mighty proud of them just as I am of every branch of service of America. I've got a brother in the Air Corps overseas he has done a swell job just as all of the others have done and I'm proud of him and all of my buddies that have fought and died in the Air Corps. I guess because the Infantry does such dirty work and gets the least glory I don't like to hear them run down. As has been proved, it takes all types of branches of service to win a war but Dave I still think that there is no other branch of service than the Infantry to
World War II Diaries and Letters