David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-04-25 Cpl. Ronald Hotle to Dave Elder Page 1
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Oahu, Hawaii 25 April 45 Dear Mr. Elder, I've been receiving the "Scuttlebutt" for quite awhile now, but as much as I've wanted to, just haven't been able to get that little "thank you" letter written. It seems that nearly every time I go to the mail room and don't find another letter, I'll always find the ever faithful "Scuttlebutt." So I tear the envelope open and find news of fellows that I haven't heard of for ages. Even hear of fellows from home who are on this very island. So far, Since I've been here I've seen Roger and Audrey Lance, whom I see
Oahu, Hawaii 25 April 45 Dear Mr. Elder, I've been receiving the "Scuttlebutt" for quite awhile now, but as much as I've wanted to, just haven't been able to get that little "thank you" letter written. It seems that nearly every time I go to the mail room and don't find another letter, I'll always find the ever faithful "Scuttlebutt." So I tear the envelope open and find news of fellows that I haven't heard of for ages. Even hear of fellows from home who are on this very island. So far, Since I've been here I've seen Roger and Audrey Lance, whom I see
World War II Diaries and Letters