David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-04-25 Cpl. Ronald Hotle to Dave Elder Page 2
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quite frequently, Walter Lance, Wayne Palmer, Dick Ross, and my old football coach at Chester, Darl Kyle. Today, I suddenly discovered a fellow from Wayland who's in my barracks. He's been here for about two weeks and we didn't even know each other. But got acquainted pretty fast. Eugene Stanffer is his name. Well, I could go on writing but started out to just thank everyone responsible for the publishing of the "Scuttlebutt." Thanks all and Sincerely, [Cpl.] Ronald Hotle
quite frequently, Walter Lance, Wayne Palmer, Dick Ross, and my old football coach at Chester, Darl Kyle. Today, I suddenly discovered a fellow from Wayland who's in my barracks. He's been here for about two weeks and we didn't even know each other. But got acquainted pretty fast. Eugene Stanffer is his name. Well, I could go on writing but started out to just thank everyone responsible for the publishing of the "Scuttlebutt." Thanks all and Sincerely, [Cpl.] Ronald Hotle
World War II Diaries and Letters