David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-04-26 Pfc. Roger K Banks to Dave Elder Page 1
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26 April 45 Germany Dear Dave, Well, I've received your 55th drip. I guess that must be the latest. My mail doesn't come regular all the time. I am living a pretty nice life right now. You should see the house I'm in, Dave. It's really nice. But of course, I'll take the good old American home, myself. They are both very much the same, however, only most of these homes are made of stucco, or brick. I guess Bob Clark is working on a transfer to England, isn't he? Well, I hope he gets it. I'd like to be in England, but, I guess I will never see it. How does the news in the ETO sound to you, Dave? To me, it sounds swell. I don't think the war will last much
26 April 45 Germany Dear Dave, Well, I've received your 55th drip. I guess that must be the latest. My mail doesn't come regular all the time. I am living a pretty nice life right now. You should see the house I'm in, Dave. It's really nice. But of course, I'll take the good old American home, myself. They are both very much the same, however, only most of these homes are made of stucco, or brick. I guess Bob Clark is working on a transfer to England, isn't he? Well, I hope he gets it. I'd like to be in England, but, I guess I will never see it. How does the news in the ETO sound to you, Dave? To me, it sounds swell. I don't think the war will last much
World War II Diaries and Letters