David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-04-26 Robert James Rohrer to Dave Elder
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April 26, 1945 To Dave, I received four of those papers you are sending out today. They are really the thing. It gives us boys all the word of every thing. I'm not much good in writing and don't have much time but I want to thank you and your staff for the wonderful work you are doing. I can now mention so of the places I have been. Enewetock, Guadacanal, Tulagi, Manus, Ulithi, Kassal in Palu. Of course I can't say any more. But they will release every thing so one of these days I'll be able to write home and tell you about some more of my experiences. I have to close now. But thanks a lot for the papers. I enjoy it very much. Sincerely, Bob Robert James Rohrer, SM1/c
April 26, 1945 To Dave, I received four of those papers you are sending out today. They are really the thing. It gives us boys all the word of every thing. I'm not much good in writing and don't have much time but I want to thank you and your staff for the wonderful work you are doing. I can now mention so of the places I have been. Enewetock, Guadacanal, Tulagi, Manus, Ulithi, Kassal in Palu. Of course I can't say any more. But they will release every thing so one of these days I'll be able to write home and tell you about some more of my experiences. I have to close now. But thanks a lot for the papers. I enjoy it very much. Sincerely, Bob Robert James Rohrer, SM1/c
World War II Diaries and Letters