David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-04-27 ""Fritz"" Fields to Dave Elder Page 1
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April 27 1945 Dave Elder Washington Iowa Dear friend Dave: Just recently received the Scuttlebutt for April 13th and was sure glad to get it, evidently my Good Aunt Bessie has been on the job to get my name on your mailing list so soon. However, note a change of address, which I believe will be permanent. Noticed an article about Bill Brewer, I met him at a Baptist church luncheon last Sunday, we had quite a chew! He was delivering milk when I left there ten years ago! I met Dick Powers at another camp, he gave me three old copies of the Scuttlebutt and I was suprised how many of the fellows I still knew. I was particularly struck by the article about Bob Shields and his red mustaches! Hi! We were kids together, graduated from high school in the same class. If you had said the red mustaches had little green tassles, I would have readily believed it.
April 27 1945 Dave Elder Washington Iowa Dear friend Dave: Just recently received the Scuttlebutt for April 13th and was sure glad to get it, evidently my Good Aunt Bessie has been on the job to get my name on your mailing list so soon. However, note a change of address, which I believe will be permanent. Noticed an article about Bill Brewer, I met him at a Baptist church luncheon last Sunday, we had quite a chew! He was delivering milk when I left there ten years ago! I met Dick Powers at another camp, he gave me three old copies of the Scuttlebutt and I was suprised how many of the fellows I still knew. I was particularly struck by the article about Bob Shields and his red mustaches! Hi! We were kids together, graduated from high school in the same class. If you had said the red mustaches had little green tassles, I would have readily believed it.
World War II Diaries and Letters