David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-04-29 Homer L. Moriarty to Dave Elder
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Marianas Islands April 29, 1945 Dear Dave, Just a line to thank you; and every one else, that help put scuttlebut out, for sending it this way. My brother Raymond is on the Island with me, also 7 or 8 other Washington county boys. Some from Wellman, Brighton, Noble, Washington. Raymond and I manage to get together 2 or 3 times a wk. We are both O,K, but neither like this place. If it isn't raining it's too dam hot. I think I'll be seeing you in a few months. So until then just keep Scuttlebut coming this way please, Yours for a early Victory Homer L. Moriarty P.S. I'm enclosing a copy of our Bn paper [Homer L. Moriarty CM2/c]
Marianas Islands April 29, 1945 Dear Dave, Just a line to thank you; and every one else, that help put scuttlebut out, for sending it this way. My brother Raymond is on the Island with me, also 7 or 8 other Washington county boys. Some from Wellman, Brighton, Noble, Washington. Raymond and I manage to get together 2 or 3 times a wk. We are both O,K, but neither like this place. If it isn't raining it's too dam hot. I think I'll be seeing you in a few months. So until then just keep Scuttlebut coming this way please, Yours for a early Victory Homer L. Moriarty P.S. I'm enclosing a copy of our Bn paper [Homer L. Moriarty CM2/c]
World War II Diaries and Letters