David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-04-30 Pfc. Eddie Prebyl to Dave Elder Page 1
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April 30, 1945 Germany, Dear Dave, I guess its about time for me to be getting around to writing you a few lines. It seems the Scuttlebutts seem to be comming in fast now. At least they are sure pilling up on me. At least, I have six of them right here in front of me that I have received sence I last wrote. I hope you will forgive me for being so slow. You see we have been moving so fast that the mail doesn't catch up too us for three or four days and then we have a mail call. Its usually a big one at that. Last night I received three of your grand Scuttlebutts. And am looking
April 30, 1945 Germany, Dear Dave, I guess its about time for me to be getting around to writing you a few lines. It seems the Scuttlebutts seem to be comming in fast now. At least they are sure pilling up on me. At least, I have six of them right here in front of me that I have received sence I last wrote. I hope you will forgive me for being so slow. You see we have been moving so fast that the mail doesn't catch up too us for three or four days and then we have a mail call. Its usually a big one at that. Last night I received three of your grand Scuttlebutts. And am looking
World War II Diaries and Letters