David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-04-30 Pfc. Eddie Prebyl to Dave Elder Page 4
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I was very sorry too read about all the casualties and killed reports you passed down through your paper of the fellows of Washington. I hope Washington families receive no more reports of such nature. Well Dave I know this isen't must of a letter. But I hope it will pass for this trip. I'll try and write a more newsy letter next time. If only the censorship would slacken up. I'm sure I could write a good one. Well I'll say so long for this time. And I'll be looking forward to the next Scuttlebutt. Your Friend, [Pfc] Eddward Prebyl
I was very sorry too read about all the casualties and killed reports you passed down through your paper of the fellows of Washington. I hope Washington families receive no more reports of such nature. Well Dave I know this isen't must of a letter. But I hope it will pass for this trip. I'll try and write a more newsy letter next time. If only the censorship would slacken up. I'm sure I could write a good one. Well I'll say so long for this time. And I'll be looking forward to the next Scuttlebutt. Your Friend, [Pfc] Eddward Prebyl
World War II Diaries and Letters