David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-05-08 Lloyd Donaldson to Dave Elder
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May 8 - 45 Stockton Cal. Dear Friend. I just want to write a few lines to let you know once again I have a new add. and I guess you know I'll allways remember the day of arival as we just got hear this morning, havent been asnd to duty as yet but I guess it will be the same job, airplane mech. sure saw some bad country on the way out, it is not so bad here and I believe I will like it. We have a small base but all indication shows we are really going to enlarge as it is an Military air Transport base. Well I wish every body back home the best of luck and hope this thing ends in a hurry. A friend Lloyd B. Donaldson
May 8 - 45 Stockton Cal. Dear Friend. I just want to write a few lines to let you know once again I have a new add. and I guess you know I'll allways remember the day of arival as we just got hear this morning, havent been asnd to duty as yet but I guess it will be the same job, airplane mech. sure saw some bad country on the way out, it is not so bad here and I believe I will like it. We have a small base but all indication shows we are really going to enlarge as it is an Military air Transport base. Well I wish every body back home the best of luck and hope this thing ends in a hurry. A friend Lloyd B. Donaldson
World War II Diaries and Letters