David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-05-09 Sgt. H.L. Johnson to Dave Elder
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[V-mail letterhead with To and From addresses] 9. MAY 1945 Somewhere In France Dear Dave:-- Scuttlebutt coming thru on schedule most every week and makes mighty good reading even if written between the lines of a play. V.E. day here was celebrated by French Refugees more than G. I.'s. They used up some of their reserve of cider, [calvador?] and cognac and spent most of last night drinking, yelling and various means of expressing their happiness. Around here a great many of them are from [Lorient?] which was among the last places to surrender. They (Germany) have for the most part been PWs since last fall except they would come out now and then and inflict a few casualties on us and zero in on us with [88's?] and such. Have been fortunate in being close to a radio for the past week and heard all the big announcements. How are you and Mabe? Hope you are both well and the poultry is doing all right. Over here eggs are worth about 5 francs apiece or more. Roughly that's $1.20 a doz. Could you ship me a few of your good laying hens? How are you doing at the poker club? My luck has been fair lately with some of the boys in our outfits. Appreciate the Scuttlebutt a lot Dave. My thanks to all connected with it. Also will see that you get reembursed for the coffee club set up you and Joe did for me. Tell those at the Journal I know hello for me "Johnny" Sgt H. L. Johnson Co F 264 Inf SPO 454 %PM. N.Y. N.Y.
[V-mail letterhead with To and From addresses] 9. MAY 1945 Somewhere In France Dear Dave:-- Scuttlebutt coming thru on schedule most every week and makes mighty good reading even if written between the lines of a play. V.E. day here was celebrated by French Refugees more than G. I.'s. They used up some of their reserve of cider, [calvador?] and cognac and spent most of last night drinking, yelling and various means of expressing their happiness. Around here a great many of them are from [Lorient?] which was among the last places to surrender. They (Germany) have for the most part been PWs since last fall except they would come out now and then and inflict a few casualties on us and zero in on us with [88's?] and such. Have been fortunate in being close to a radio for the past week and heard all the big announcements. How are you and Mabe? Hope you are both well and the poultry is doing all right. Over here eggs are worth about 5 francs apiece or more. Roughly that's $1.20 a doz. Could you ship me a few of your good laying hens? How are you doing at the poker club? My luck has been fair lately with some of the boys in our outfits. Appreciate the Scuttlebutt a lot Dave. My thanks to all connected with it. Also will see that you get reembursed for the coffee club set up you and Joe did for me. Tell those at the Journal I know hello for me "Johnny" Sgt H. L. Johnson Co F 264 Inf SPO 454 %PM. N.Y. N.Y.
World War II Diaries and Letters