David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-05-10 Ens. Donald Morrison to Dave Elder
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10 May, 1945 Dear Dave, My relief has arrived!!! - and so you may temporarily cancel my subscription to Scuttlebutt. I am expecting my orders in about ten more days--and then I'm looking forward to thirty days Stateside leave. Thanks for all the good work you have done, Dave--Each drip of The Scuttlebutt has built up my morale. It is really nice knowing what is going on at home. Sorry this is so short, Dave, but my men are anxious to go to the Fleet Canteen, and who am I to keep them away from beer. We've all been working pretty hard lately and a couple of hours away from the ship is about the extent of liberty. The only recreation provided here is movies - and we have to sit on coconut logs to see them. Hope to see you soon! Don [Ensign Donald Morrison]
10 May, 1945 Dear Dave, My relief has arrived!!! - and so you may temporarily cancel my subscription to Scuttlebutt. I am expecting my orders in about ten more days--and then I'm looking forward to thirty days Stateside leave. Thanks for all the good work you have done, Dave--Each drip of The Scuttlebutt has built up my morale. It is really nice knowing what is going on at home. Sorry this is so short, Dave, but my men are anxious to go to the Fleet Canteen, and who am I to keep them away from beer. We've all been working pretty hard lately and a couple of hours away from the ship is about the extent of liberty. The only recreation provided here is movies - and we have to sit on coconut logs to see them. Hope to see you soon! Don [Ensign Donald Morrison]
World War II Diaries and Letters