David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-05-12 Lt. Col. W.G. Eldridge to Dave Elder
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12 May 1945 Dear Dave: Just a note to tell you how much I enjoy every drip. It is the only means I have to keep up with the men in service. I like every word of it. I'm still busy with my trainees but they are doing well. I have received more and more Cadre from overseas and the quality of training is showing a decided improvement. Why don't you and Mayme come down some day and visit us for a week. We would love to have you. Our love to both of you Sincerely (Lt.Col.Wm.G.Eldridge) ______ & Opal
12 May 1945 Dear Dave: Just a note to tell you how much I enjoy every drip. It is the only means I have to keep up with the men in service. I like every word of it. I'm still busy with my trainees but they are doing well. I have received more and more Cadre from overseas and the quality of training is showing a decided improvement. Why don't you and Mayme come down some day and visit us for a week. We would love to have you. Our love to both of you Sincerely (Lt.Col.Wm.G.Eldridge) ______ & Opal
World War II Diaries and Letters