David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-05-14 Bob Sutter to Dave Elder
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May 14 [1945] Dear Dave, I recieved my scuttlebutt this morning and it reminded me to write and ask if you would start sending it to Archie [Euwer?] and Bill Barth. Their addresses are.- Archie [Euwer?] S1/C (RM) Operations Radio N.A.S. Corpus Christi, Tex. William Barth S1/C AMM UPB2 OTU4 C.A.C.81C N.A.S. Corpus Christi Archie has been here for quite a while and we knew that Ens. John Gardner and Ens. Don Vorhees [sp] were down here but we were really suprised to meet Bill Barth here. Bill is also in a flight crew and will probably be with the same squadron I will. I have a slight change in my address too. Its now - R.L. Sutter ARM 3/C VPB2 OTU4 C.A.P.80C N.A.S. Corpus Christi Tex. There never is any news here so I'll close. As ever, Bob Sutter
May 14 [1945] Dear Dave, I recieved my scuttlebutt this morning and it reminded me to write and ask if you would start sending it to Archie [Euwer?] and Bill Barth. Their addresses are.- Archie [Euwer?] S1/C (RM) Operations Radio N.A.S. Corpus Christi, Tex. William Barth S1/C AMM UPB2 OTU4 C.A.C.81C N.A.S. Corpus Christi Archie has been here for quite a while and we knew that Ens. John Gardner and Ens. Don Vorhees [sp] were down here but we were really suprised to meet Bill Barth here. Bill is also in a flight crew and will probably be with the same squadron I will. I have a slight change in my address too. Its now - R.L. Sutter ARM 3/C VPB2 OTU4 C.A.P.80C N.A.S. Corpus Christi Tex. There never is any news here so I'll close. As ever, Bob Sutter
World War II Diaries and Letters