David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-05-16 Eddie Prebyl to Dave Elder Page 3
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page three I have seven days here and four of them have just seemed to flown by. I am beginning to think of that thousand mile truck ride I'm going to have to take to get back to my outfit that old hard wood seat is even harder than you can imagine beleive you me. But its sure worth such a trip. Many things have happened sence I last wrote you. The war being over over here is on the top list. It made us all so very happy and then after the celebration everyone begain wondering
page three I have seven days here and four of them have just seemed to flown by. I am beginning to think of that thousand mile truck ride I'm going to have to take to get back to my outfit that old hard wood seat is even harder than you can imagine beleive you me. But its sure worth such a trip. Many things have happened sence I last wrote you. The war being over over here is on the top list. It made us all so very happy and then after the celebration everyone begain wondering
World War II Diaries and Letters