David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-05-16 Lt. Bob Frink to Dave Elder Page 1
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16 May 1945 Hello Dave! Just a few lines to express my gratitude to all of you connected with "Scuttlebutt" either directly or indirectly, as it's certainly been welcomed my way in the past year or more that I've been receiving it. I have intended to drop you a line on many occasions previously, and in my failures to do so, I shall offer a weak excuse. No news! I dare say that I'm in one of the few branches of the service where one is not permitted to hint at where he's been, where he's going, or what he's doing at least once in a rare while. Furthermore -- I've had the foul luck of never running into anyone from home. Perhaps it will suffice to say that I'm doing the same type of work as that on my last tour out this way, which probably doesn't mean a darned thing to 99% of those who happen to read this.
16 May 1945 Hello Dave! Just a few lines to express my gratitude to all of you connected with "Scuttlebutt" either directly or indirectly, as it's certainly been welcomed my way in the past year or more that I've been receiving it. I have intended to drop you a line on many occasions previously, and in my failures to do so, I shall offer a weak excuse. No news! I dare say that I'm in one of the few branches of the service where one is not permitted to hint at where he's been, where he's going, or what he's doing at least once in a rare while. Furthermore -- I've had the foul luck of never running into anyone from home. Perhaps it will suffice to say that I'm doing the same type of work as that on my last tour out this way, which probably doesn't mean a darned thing to 99% of those who happen to read this.
World War II Diaries and Letters