David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-05-16 Lt. Bob Frink to Dave Elder Page 2
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II V-E day was welcome news in this theater, though there was no evidence of riotous celebration. We now all feel assured of a speedy victory, and yet maintain the aspect of the overwhelming job still before both you at home and us out here. I was certainly interested in reading the fellows' comments on the infantry, because I've had the opportunity to watch the marine infantry in amphibious operations a number of times, and they get my vote!! Thanking one and all once again for "Scuttlebutt" -- Sincerely Bob Frink Lt. (jq) R.A. Frink Fighting Squadron One o/o Fleet Post Office San Francisco
II V-E day was welcome news in this theater, though there was no evidence of riotous celebration. We now all feel assured of a speedy victory, and yet maintain the aspect of the overwhelming job still before both you at home and us out here. I was certainly interested in reading the fellows' comments on the infantry, because I've had the opportunity to watch the marine infantry in amphibious operations a number of times, and they get my vote!! Thanking one and all once again for "Scuttlebutt" -- Sincerely Bob Frink Lt. (jq) R.A. Frink Fighting Squadron One o/o Fleet Post Office San Francisco
World War II Diaries and Letters