David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-05-19 J. Donald Hazen to Dave Elder Page 1
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Time: 19:15 U.S.S Chicapee May 19, 1945 Dear Dave; Received your nice letter and also four issues of the Scuttlebutt. Thanks a million Dave, I really enjoy it very much. I can see now where so many of the boys from home are located. I have passed the place where Dr Droz is located several times, but have never stopped there yet. The Scuttlebutt was, we were to go in there about two weeks ago, but did'nt. I guess several of the boys from Washington are on ships out here, but if you don't know the name or number, it is pretty hard to
Time: 19:15 U.S.S Chicapee May 19, 1945 Dear Dave; Received your nice letter and also four issues of the Scuttlebutt. Thanks a million Dave, I really enjoy it very much. I can see now where so many of the boys from home are located. I have passed the place where Dr Droz is located several times, but have never stopped there yet. The Scuttlebutt was, we were to go in there about two weeks ago, but did'nt. I guess several of the boys from Washington are on ships out here, but if you don't know the name or number, it is pretty hard to
World War II Diaries and Letters