David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-05-20 Pvt. Dale Booth to Dave Elder Page 1
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[letterhead] May 20, 1945. Dear Dave. After recieving the "Scuttlebut now for the third time yesterday I came to the conclusion that one way of showing my gratitued would be to at least write a letter of acknowledgement. It really helps a lot to read of all the fellows from the hometown all over the world. I know that if they are as bad as I am at letter writing it is really deeply apreciated by all who recieve it. Sorry I can't tell you on what Island I am stioned. My work here in the third marine division post office is very interesting and it keeps us all pretty busy trying to keep up with all the mail that keeps coming in. We have our own V-mail unit here with us. I really didn't realize just how many people use V-mail. Most of all letters are airmail, and the service has been very good. I have recieved some of my wifes letters in six days and one day got one in five. Every once in a while I go down to the fleet post office with the trucks to pick up our parcel post when
[letterhead] May 20, 1945. Dear Dave. After recieving the "Scuttlebut now for the third time yesterday I came to the conclusion that one way of showing my gratitued would be to at least write a letter of acknowledgement. It really helps a lot to read of all the fellows from the hometown all over the world. I know that if they are as bad as I am at letter writing it is really deeply apreciated by all who recieve it. Sorry I can't tell you on what Island I am stioned. My work here in the third marine division post office is very interesting and it keeps us all pretty busy trying to keep up with all the mail that keeps coming in. We have our own V-mail unit here with us. I really didn't realize just how many people use V-mail. Most of all letters are airmail, and the service has been very good. I have recieved some of my wifes letters in six days and one day got one in five. Every once in a while I go down to the fleet post office with the trucks to pick up our parcel post when
World War II Diaries and Letters