David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-05-20 Pvt. Dale Booth to Dave Elder Page 2
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it comes in. Seems like lately we have enough Parcel Post that about time we think we are all caught up another load comes in. Our living facilities are pretty good too. We live in tents with wooden decks. I have electricity and showers. Lately the food has been getting better all the time. When I came in the camp I weighed 157 and just a little on a month ago I was up to 190, but I have lost some of that now. So you can see that living conditions arent too bad. Well, Dave, I had better get back to my work. So long for now and the best of luck. Your friend Dale P.S. Buzz Brown is here but I haven't had a chance to see him yet.
it comes in. Seems like lately we have enough Parcel Post that about time we think we are all caught up another load comes in. Our living facilities are pretty good too. We live in tents with wooden decks. I have electricity and showers. Lately the food has been getting better all the time. When I came in the camp I weighed 157 and just a little on a month ago I was up to 190, but I have lost some of that now. So you can see that living conditions arent too bad. Well, Dave, I had better get back to my work. So long for now and the best of luck. Your friend Dale P.S. Buzz Brown is here but I haven't had a chance to see him yet.
World War II Diaries and Letters