David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-05-20 R.K Ward to Dave Elder Page 4
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IV Now that we understand each other lets knock off the bull session and get back to the job of winning the war. Let's hope in the not too distance future we may muster at Wing's Cafe to discuss the point over a cup of coffee rather than over a airaplane, a rifle, or bottle of blud plasma or what ever the case may be. Ever your true Scuttlebutt Fan, R. K. Ward R. K. Ward H.A. 1/c R/S Navy 3115 % F.P.O. San Francisco, Calif.
IV Now that we understand each other lets knock off the bull session and get back to the job of winning the war. Let's hope in the not too distance future we may muster at Wing's Cafe to discuss the point over a cup of coffee rather than over a airaplane, a rifle, or bottle of blud plasma or what ever the case may be. Ever your true Scuttlebutt Fan, R. K. Ward R. K. Ward H.A. 1/c R/S Navy 3115 % F.P.O. San Francisco, Calif.
World War II Diaries and Letters