David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-05-21 Lt. Delbert Hysell to Dave Elder Page 1
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May 21, 1945. Dear Scuttlebutt, I am still in Germany but things are much move quiet here than they were a month ago. We are occupying a little town for the time being but of course don't know for how long. As I always like to get my scuttlebutt thought I'd better write tonight and give you my new address. Since I've changed companies and also received a field commission it will probably take awhile for my mail to catch up with
May 21, 1945. Dear Scuttlebutt, I am still in Germany but things are much move quiet here than they were a month ago. We are occupying a little town for the time being but of course don't know for how long. As I always like to get my scuttlebutt thought I'd better write tonight and give you my new address. Since I've changed companies and also received a field commission it will probably take awhile for my mail to catch up with
World War II Diaries and Letters