David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-05-21 Lt. Delbert Hysell to Dave Elder Page 2
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me. My new address is: 2nd Lt. Delbert [F.?] Hysell 02025344 Co. K 353rd Inf. A.P.O. #89 % P.M. New York, N.Y. Well, since probably the fellows have written all the latest news from over here I won't bore you with anymore. As ever Delbert [F.?] Hysell.
me. My new address is: 2nd Lt. Delbert [F.?] Hysell 02025344 Co. K 353rd Inf. A.P.O. #89 % P.M. New York, N.Y. Well, since probably the fellows have written all the latest news from over here I won't bore you with anymore. As ever Delbert [F.?] Hysell.
World War II Diaries and Letters