David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-05-25 Ted Morgan to Dave Elder Postcard
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[1945] May 25 Dear Dave, Just a line to give you a change in my address again. I sure enjoy the scuttlebutt & don't want to miss a copy. Theodore L. {F.?] Morgan WT 2/C USS Lake Camplain B-Div. c/o Fleet Post Office New York, N.Y. I was sorry I was unable to drop in for a minute to see you while I was home on my last leave. I have been going through preliminary training for my new ship. Thanks again. Your friends. Ted Morgan
[1945] May 25 Dear Dave, Just a line to give you a change in my address again. I sure enjoy the scuttlebutt & don't want to miss a copy. Theodore L. {F.?] Morgan WT 2/C USS Lake Camplain B-Div. c/o Fleet Post Office New York, N.Y. I was sorry I was unable to drop in for a minute to see you while I was home on my last leave. I have been going through preliminary training for my new ship. Thanks again. Your friends. Ted Morgan
World War II Diaries and Letters