David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-05-29 J. Donald Hazen to Dave Elder
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U.S.S. Chicopee May 29, 1945 Time: 2400 Dear Dave; Just a line to let you know I am getting transfered. Will send you my new address as soon as I get it. Please don't send any more issues of the Scuttlebutt until you hear from me as it will take so long for them to catch up with me. It was rather a surprise to me, but hope I like my new place as well as I have here (I mean the ship) Had letters from Bill Arnold & Don Crossett this time in. Sure happy to hear from them. They seem to be feeling fine. Had better close Dave and get some sack duty As Ever J. Donald Hazen S.S. MB 2/c
U.S.S. Chicopee May 29, 1945 Time: 2400 Dear Dave; Just a line to let you know I am getting transfered. Will send you my new address as soon as I get it. Please don't send any more issues of the Scuttlebutt until you hear from me as it will take so long for them to catch up with me. It was rather a surprise to me, but hope I like my new place as well as I have here (I mean the ship) Had letters from Bill Arnold & Don Crossett this time in. Sure happy to hear from them. They seem to be feeling fine. Had better close Dave and get some sack duty As Ever J. Donald Hazen S.S. MB 2/c
World War II Diaries and Letters