David R. Elder correspondence, April-May 1945
1945-05-29 Pfc. Max See to Dave Elder Page 1
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May 29, 1945 Hello Dave: Long time no write, right!! So sorry, I've really been letting my correspondance let up. No good excuse either. So am trying to get back on the ball a bit. I have 5 Scuttlebutts here before me unanswered. I get them every Tuesday & really look forward to them. Things are in the process of changing around here again. The field is transforming to a B-29 Training school. Advance for gunners. The first one hit the runway this evening. I changed from the
May 29, 1945 Hello Dave: Long time no write, right!! So sorry, I've really been letting my correspondance let up. No good excuse either. So am trying to get back on the ball a bit. I have 5 Scuttlebutts here before me unanswered. I get them every Tuesday & really look forward to them. Things are in the process of changing around here again. The field is transforming to a B-29 Training school. Advance for gunners. The first one hit the runway this evening. I changed from the
World War II Diaries and Letters