David R. Elder correspondence, June-July 1945
1945-06-02 Cpl. Alois J. Musil to Dave Elder Page 1
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2 June 1945 In Bergen, Germany Dear Dave It has been a long time since I last wrote you. So thought I had better do so now. I remember the position where I last wrote very well. We were at Carentan, France & the hedgerow fighting was going very slow. We were all hoping at that time that we could cut off the Cherbourg Penninsula to give us room to get more troops on. Too me that seems like a longtime ago & then again it seems like just a short while. (over)
2 June 1945 In Bergen, Germany Dear Dave It has been a long time since I last wrote you. So thought I had better do so now. I remember the position where I last wrote very well. We were at Carentan, France & the hedgerow fighting was going very slow. We were all hoping at that time that we could cut off the Cherbourg Penninsula to give us room to get more troops on. Too me that seems like a longtime ago & then again it seems like just a short while. (over)
World War II Diaries and Letters