David R. Elder correspondence, June-July 1945
Sgt. Duane C. Griggs to Dave Elder
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[V-mail letterhead with To and From addresses] In the Pacific 9 June, 1945 Dear Dave: The drips arrive regularly. The Air Mail really gets them around. We're just emerging from a wet spell. Iowa wouldn't hold a drip in a pail compared to this. We've a pretty decent setup here for a field hospital. It has taken a heck of a lot of work tho' to clean it up. I haven't been able to see any of the home town boys here, but I know there are some here. How's everything there Dave? Guess you had a wet spring didn't you? This country here is quite scenic, but it's to far from home to be fighting for. I figure by the point system I'll be back to the states by about Xmas of 1947!!! Big Deal this Army life - and I thought I was being pushed around back in the states!!! Well this is it for now, Dave. As Ever, Duane C. Griggs
[V-mail letterhead with To and From addresses] In the Pacific 9 June, 1945 Dear Dave: The drips arrive regularly. The Air Mail really gets them around. We're just emerging from a wet spell. Iowa wouldn't hold a drip in a pail compared to this. We've a pretty decent setup here for a field hospital. It has taken a heck of a lot of work tho' to clean it up. I haven't been able to see any of the home town boys here, but I know there are some here. How's everything there Dave? Guess you had a wet spring didn't you? This country here is quite scenic, but it's to far from home to be fighting for. I figure by the point system I'll be back to the states by about Xmas of 1947!!! Big Deal this Army life - and I thought I was being pushed around back in the states!!! Well this is it for now, Dave. As Ever, Duane C. Griggs
World War II Diaries and Letters