David R. Elder correspondence, June-July 1945
1945-06-09 David Livingston to Dave Elder Page 1
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9 Jun Sat. [1945] S.W. Pacific Hello Kids, Yes, here is your cuz, bad as ever at his letter writing. My goodness it's a scandal! Want you to know that ole "Buttlescutt" is coming thru rite on schedule, even more so than the other mail and, kids, it's really good to get the straight "word" so often. Was very saddened to hear about Jack Longer & his bro Bill being killed, also Arch Euwer, Sr. It doesn't seem possible they've met their end. Maybe it's because they are still living, & shall continue to, in the memories of those who knew them. We've lost some very close buddies here also. It seems like losing a part of your own life. It is hard to describe what it feels like sweating out a raid. (I'm still in groundcrew). It's been said before how you count each plane as they come back & boy, when they aren't all there it's a might weak pair of knees you've got & an empty feeling in your stomach. Sometimes they're just late - whew, what a relief. Sometimes not. Lord grant that it'll be over before too much longer. At present we're in port & all our mail is catching up Don't get but very few Journals now. Have a hunch they disappear enroute (drawn face) (How'd he get here?) We've got a radio rigged up & the boys are having the time of their lives listening to "stateside". That must have been some play you all put on! Would like to have seen Joe P. scatter that dough, ha, ha, & all the rest that went on! Can just see you as a Chinee boy Daivid! ha I'll bet it was good, no Joe. Mabe I've been getting your little notes on the letters & it's mighty nice. Unca Dave why don't you write carbon copies after the war too, or do you already?! Ole Washington was wise, as usual, in the way it celebrated VE day. Davy, that was such a good description of it I'm going to save it. Almost felt like I took part in it. Sure is a lot of fellas getting home and I'm mighty happy for them. The more they get home, the better. A lot on leave too which is mighty nice. Someday we'll all get one for a lifetime, hope! Imagine our Air Group should be home before Christmas if everything goes okay. Running out of paper, which is plain to be seen by all so I'll close. Thanx to you both, for sending the Journal & S., I really appreciate more than I can say. Lord bless you both, Davy [David Livingston] P.S. Climbed a tree & got a green coconut for the milk - fah!! fie on it! Rather die of thirst (drawn face) 'Nite
9 Jun Sat. [1945] S.W. Pacific Hello Kids, Yes, here is your cuz, bad as ever at his letter writing. My goodness it's a scandal! Want you to know that ole "Buttlescutt" is coming thru rite on schedule, even more so than the other mail and, kids, it's really good to get the straight "word" so often. Was very saddened to hear about Jack Longer & his bro Bill being killed, also Arch Euwer, Sr. It doesn't seem possible they've met their end. Maybe it's because they are still living, & shall continue to, in the memories of those who knew them. We've lost some very close buddies here also. It seems like losing a part of your own life. It is hard to describe what it feels like sweating out a raid. (I'm still in groundcrew). It's been said before how you count each plane as they come back & boy, when they aren't all there it's a might weak pair of knees you've got & an empty feeling in your stomach. Sometimes they're just late - whew, what a relief. Sometimes not. Lord grant that it'll be over before too much longer. At present we're in port & all our mail is catching up Don't get but very few Journals now. Have a hunch they disappear enroute (drawn face) (How'd he get here?) We've got a radio rigged up & the boys are having the time of their lives listening to "stateside". That must have been some play you all put on! Would like to have seen Joe P. scatter that dough, ha, ha, & all the rest that went on! Can just see you as a Chinee boy Daivid! ha I'll bet it was good, no Joe. Mabe I've been getting your little notes on the letters & it's mighty nice. Unca Dave why don't you write carbon copies after the war too, or do you already?! Ole Washington was wise, as usual, in the way it celebrated VE day. Davy, that was such a good description of it I'm going to save it. Almost felt like I took part in it. Sure is a lot of fellas getting home and I'm mighty happy for them. The more they get home, the better. A lot on leave too which is mighty nice. Someday we'll all get one for a lifetime, hope! Imagine our Air Group should be home before Christmas if everything goes okay. Running out of paper, which is plain to be seen by all so I'll close. Thanx to you both, for sending the Journal & S., I really appreciate more than I can say. Lord bless you both, Davy [David Livingston] P.S. Climbed a tree & got a green coconut for the milk - fah!! fie on it! Rather die of thirst (drawn face) 'Nite
World War II Diaries and Letters