David R. Elder correspondence, June-July 1945
1945-06-12 Pfc. Arnold K. Smith to Dave Elder Page 1
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June 12, 1945 Brenner Pass, Italy Dear Dave, Its been several months since I wrote you a letter, but the dear old Scuttlebutt still comes through each week. I believe I am correct in saying I have received every issue that has been written. I remember that first issue over a year ago I can't remember the exact date but I know it was raining & we had been on the line for more than a month up by Cassino. It sure raised my moral to hear all about the old home town. I've came a long ways since then. I remember we liberated Rome & two days later heard of the landings in France. We all figured it would end soon, but these fanatical devils hung on for a year. I'm sure happy that its all over now. I don't know how soon I'll be home, the point system was just another kick in the pants as far as front line infrantry man is concerned. Very few could live long enough to get 85 points. There's only about a dozen of us old boys left in our company, I really thank God I was lucky enough to see it through. Washington can be proud of her boys that have sacrificed everything for this victory that we finally obtained here in Europe. For those boys who went so far as to give there lives for it, God rest
June 12, 1945 Brenner Pass, Italy Dear Dave, Its been several months since I wrote you a letter, but the dear old Scuttlebutt still comes through each week. I believe I am correct in saying I have received every issue that has been written. I remember that first issue over a year ago I can't remember the exact date but I know it was raining & we had been on the line for more than a month up by Cassino. It sure raised my moral to hear all about the old home town. I've came a long ways since then. I remember we liberated Rome & two days later heard of the landings in France. We all figured it would end soon, but these fanatical devils hung on for a year. I'm sure happy that its all over now. I don't know how soon I'll be home, the point system was just another kick in the pants as far as front line infrantry man is concerned. Very few could live long enough to get 85 points. There's only about a dozen of us old boys left in our company, I really thank God I was lucky enough to see it through. Washington can be proud of her boys that have sacrificed everything for this victory that we finally obtained here in Europe. For those boys who went so far as to give there lives for it, God rest
World War II Diaries and Letters