David R. Elder correspondence, June-July 1945
1945-06-13 Pvt. Buzz Richardson to Dave Elder Page 2
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for Dear Old Tojo - I want to thank you for your gallant service in sending me your paper all of these weeks. My present address is Pvt. W. M. Riichardson 37429781-Box X-Class 7 Fort Slocum, N.Y. We are in classes here like Paratroopers. In fact as soon as I graduate I am going in the Paratroopers if my stomache don't keep me back. Well, so long for now & please tell every one hello for me. Your True friend Buzz Richardson [Pve. W.M. Richardson]
for Dear Old Tojo - I want to thank you for your gallant service in sending me your paper all of these weeks. My present address is Pvt. W. M. Riichardson 37429781-Box X-Class 7 Fort Slocum, N.Y. We are in classes here like Paratroopers. In fact as soon as I graduate I am going in the Paratroopers if my stomache don't keep me back. Well, so long for now & please tell every one hello for me. Your True friend Buzz Richardson [Pve. W.M. Richardson]
World War II Diaries and Letters